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90 Years Ago

Our Edge Control promotes growth and holds edges and hair firmly in place with a super holding power without flakiness. Leaves edges looking healthier and shinier than before. How to apply: Apply a small amount of Edge Freak with fingertips until hair stays in place or comb in smooth with a brush or comb. Linnie — May 16, Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Ellen — May 18,

JIMMYCASE meets Urban Daddy
Strasbourg Curieux
Laundry 101 For College Students
Edge Control

The story began almost a century ago. In , Gaetano Carraro, in his small store in Schio VI , Italy, started selling green coffee beans for roasting in domestic fireplaces. In , his son, Mario, created his first roasting lab, where the green coffee was roasted and packed. Subsequently he also built his first workshop for roasting and packaging coffee on an industrial scale.

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